Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Melancholia awaiting intervention

melancholic drips of
mingle with sea tears of

salt, sweet, spice, sour

a bowl of pho
a slice of lime
and the healing heat
of too-mild chilies

cardamom, star anise, cinnamon, cloves


crunchy oiliness of banh xeo
wrapped in the nosy spice
of mustard leaves
pungent with the aniseed of
holy basil

no spice without sweet
no salt without sour

home is where the contrasts
burn holes in my heart
the better to allow fateful winds
to blow me apart
with ecstasy, doldrums and easy pleasure

So long Sài Gòn.

1 comment:

cloudcontrol said...

OMG I just discovered all those little photos are actually thumbs for large hi-res photos where I can better make out the food and salivate and be jealous and wish for lunch time to arrive sooner.... LOL